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Originating in China at least three thousand years ago, the art of Feng Shui literally means "wind and water". This art studies the influence of space on our well-being and how the places we live and work are reflected in how we feel.


Its foundations are rooted in Eastern cosmology and the unique principle of the two antagonistic forces of heaven and earth: yin and yang. Through the knowledge of how ki energy flows through the surrounding space, we will be able to analyze excesses and stagnations of this same vital energy and its interaction with the energy field of human beings. Once you have made the necessary corrections, you can solve or improve emotional, financial, professional, and health problems. 


In modern western society, Feng Shui is fast becoming a valid alternative for more and more people, given the real changes they make in their lives.


Harmonize the energy of your home


Whether it's a palace or a T0, the house we live in is one of life's basic supports and one of its most important foundations. If housing has good Feng Shui, residents' lives are more likely to thrive. If Feng Shui is deficient, occupants can suffer several consequences. Here are some of the most common reasons to look for a Feng Shui consultant:

If the career is not going well
If relationships are not flowing
If there are recurring financial challenges
If there are no children
If people don't feel well at home
If there are recurring health problems
All of these challenges can be understood, mitigated or solved by Feng Shui

Harmonize the energy of your workplace


Whatever area we are in, one of the key priorities is financial prosperity. And it is always people (customers and employees) as the vehicle through which money manifests itself.

If a store, restaurant or any other commercial space has good Feng Shui, customers are attracted and conserved. Similarly, if employees in an office feel healthy, they become more productive and relate more harmoniously to each other, favoring the company. Business-applied Feng Shui can significantly improve the future prospects of any business. Brands such as Body Shop, British Airways and other multinationals are just a few of the many names that have resorted to the services of Feng Shui consultants.